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Swift Compatibility

To use the ComPDFKit Objective-C Framework in your Swift project, you have to create a Swift Bridging Header file in that project. The best way is to create the .h file manually.

  1. The First Method

    First, add a header file to your project with the name: "MyProjectName-Bridging-Header.h". This will be the single header file where you import any Objective-C code that you need your Swift code to access.

    Then, find Swift Compiler - Code Generation section in your project build settings. Add the path to your bridging header file next to Objective-C Bridging Header from the project root folder. It should be "MyProject/MyProject-Bridging-Header.h".

  2. The Second Method:

    Import modules. Find the "ComPDFKit.xcframework" folder -> "ios-arm64_armv7" -> "ComPDFKit.framework" -> "Modules". Then, import the "Modules" folder entirely or just import the "Module“ files within the ”Modules“ folder. See the picture below for the details.


    The subsequent operations can be configured in the same way as the configuration method of Objective-C.