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Supported Form Field Types

ComPDFKit supports various form field types compliant with the PDF standard, which are readable and writable by various programs, including Adobe Acrobat and other PDF processors that adhere to the standard. The supported form field types are as follows:

TypeDescriptionClass Name
Check BoxSelect one or more options from predefined choices.CPDFCheckBoxWidget
Radio ButtonSelect one option from predefined choices.CPDFRadioButtonWidget
Push ButtonCreate custom buttons on the PDF document that acts when pressed.CPDFPushButtonWidget
List BoxSelect one or more options from a predefined list.CPDFListBoxWidget
Combo BoxSelect one option from a drop-down list of available text options.CPDFComboBoxWidget
TextInput text content such as name, address, email, etc.CPDFTextWidget
SignatureDigitally sign or electronically sign the PDF document.CPDFSignatureWidget