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UI Customization

The folder of “ComPDFKit_Tools” includes the UI components to help conveniently integrate ComPDFKit PDF SDK. We have also built six standalone function programs, namely Viewer, Annotations, ContentEditor, Forms, DocsEditor, and Digital Signature, using this UI component library. Additionally, we have developed a program called PDFViewer that integrates all the above-mentioned example features for reference.

In this section, we will introduce how to use it from the following parts:

  1. Overview of "ComPDFKit_Tools" Folder: Show the folder structure and the main features included in the corresponding component.
  2. UI Components: Introduce the UI components and how to use them easily and fast.

Overview of "ComPDFKit_Tools" Folder

There are nine modules in "compDEkit Tools": "Common", "Viewer", "Annotations", "ContentEditor", "Forms", "DocsEditor", "DigitalSignature", "Security", and "Watermark". Each of them includes the code and UI components like the following table to process PDFs.

Common BaseControl Basic components used to compose other components, such as the value component to control the value of opacity, font size, border width, etc.
Convert Data converter
Helper Static classes and static methods that provide assistance for common functions, such as a static method that can invoke a file open dialog and get the selected PDF file path: GetFilePathOrEmpty.
PasswordControl Include the UI components and interaction of typing file passwords.
PropertyControl Include the UI components and interaction of handling specified data type inputting.
PDFView PDFBookmark Include the UI components and interaction of editing bookmarks and jumping pages.
PDFInfo Include the UI components and interaction of document information.
PDFDisplaySettings Include the UI components and interaction of PDF viewing like setting themes, display modes, etc.
PDFOutline Include the UI components and interaction of jumping and displaying the PDF outline.
PDFSearch Include the UI component and interaction for searching PDFs and generating the search list.
PDFThumbnail Include the UI component and interaction of PDF thumbnails.
AnnotationsPDFAnnotationBarInclude the toolbar that indicates the required annotation type and order. Clicking on the navigation bar will pass the corresponding comment type enumeration through an event.
PDFAnnotationPanelWhen creating or modifying annotations, specific property panels are displayed, and controls for handling data are provided.
PDFAnnotationListInclude the UI component and interaction of displaying all annotations in a list, selecting and deleting specific annotations/all annotations.
ContentEditor PDFImageEditControlInclude the toolbar to edit PDF images and undo/redo the processing of editing PDF images.
PDFTextEditControlInclude the toolbar to edit PDF text and undo/redo the processing of editing PDF text.
FormsFormBarControlInclude the UI component and interaction of specifying needed form fields and the order of displaying the form field types in UI.
FormPropertyControlInclude the property panel and interaction to set the properties of forms.
Docs EditorPDFPageEditBarInclude the toolbar for creating, replacing, rotating, extracting, and deleting PDF pages
PDFPageEditInclude the UI component and interaction of document editing like thumbnails, drag, right-click menu, etc.
PDFPageExtractInclude the popup window of page extraction. It only processes and transfers the data. You can refer to PDFPageEdit for inserting pages.
PDFPageInsertInclude the popup window of page insertion. It only processes and transfers the data. You can refer to PDFPageEdit for inserting pages.
Digital SignaturesAddCertificationDialogInclude the popup window to create new certificates or using existing certificates.
CPDFSignatureListControlInclude the UI component and interaction of displaying the list of digital signatures and their status, with options to navigate to a specific signature location or open a signature status popup.
VerifyDigitalSignatureControlInclude the popup window to display the signature status.
SignatureStatusBarControlInclude the popup window to display all the signature statuses in this file.
FillDigitalSignatureDialogInclude the popup window to create the signature appearance.
ViewCertificateDialogInclude the popup window to view the signature certificates.

UI Component

This section mainly introduces the connection between the UI components and API configuration of "ComPDFKit_Tools", which can not only help you quickly get started with the default UI but also help you view the associated API configuration. These UI components could be used and modified to create your customize UI.

Part 1:Alt text

The picture above shows the main UI components associated with the API of Viewer, which are also the fundamental UI components of "ComPDFKit_Tools". The following table shows the details of the connection between UI components and APIs.

1-1Title barCPDFTitleBarControlThe toolbar at the top of the PDF view window: Include the help center and file center.
1-2Open file button/Control to switch a new document.
1-3Save button/Control to save the current file.
1-4Right panel buttonCPDFBOTABarControlControl the display status of the property panel.
1-5Page scalling controlCPDFScalingControlControl to change the zoom ratio of PDF.
1-6Mode switcher/Switch the feature modules.
1-7Search buttonCPDFBOTABarControlEnter the searching mode.
1-8Display settings buttonCPDFDisplaySettingsControlControl to show or hide the setting panel.
1-9Left panel buttonCPDFAnnotationControl、FromPropertyControl、PDFContentEditControlControl the displaying status of property panel.
1-10PDF info buttonCPDFInfoControlControl the popup window of document information.
1-11Page turning controlPageNumberControlControl to jump to other specific pages quickly.
1-12PDFViewControlPDFViewControlBasic interactions like zooming PDF view with mouse and executing page jumping or push button actions.

Part 2:

Alt text

The picture above shows the UI components associated with the API of outline, bookmark, thumbnail, annotation list, and searching. The following table shows the details of the connection between UI components and APIs.

1-1ThumbnailsCPDFThumbnailControlEnter the thumbnails of PDFs.
1-2OutlinesCPDFOutlineControlEnter the outlines of PDFs.
1-3BookmarkCPDFBookmarkControlEnter the bookmark list of PDFs.
1-4Annotation ListCPDFThumbnailControlEnter the annotation list of PDFs.
1-5SearchCPDFSearchControlEnter the PDF keywords searching.

Part 3:

Alt text

The picture above shows the UI components associated with the API of annotation. The following table shows the details of the connection between UI components and APIs.

1-1Annotation barCPDFAnnotationBarControlAnnotated toolbar, allowing specifying the annotation types and the order of displaying the annotation types in UI.
1-2Undo redo/Undo/redo the processing of annotations.
1-3Annotation panelCPDFAnnotationControlPreset annotation properties for creating annotation.

Part 4:

Alt text

The picture above shows the UI components associated with the API of the content editor. The following table shows the details of the connection between UI components and APIs.

1-1Content edit bar/The tool bar of content editor. Enter a state of creating text and only text editing, after clicking on text editing. After clicking on image editing, you can add images. After adding the images, you will enter the default mode, in which both images and text can be edited.
1-2Undo redo/Undo redo the processing of editing PDF text/images.
1-3Content edit panelPDFContentEditControlPreset text properties for adding text. After clicking on text or image, you will get the attributes of the currently selected object and can modify them.

Part 5:Alt text The picture above shows the UI components associated with the API of forms. The following table shows the details of the connection between UI components and APIs.

1-1Forms edit barCPDFFormBarControlTool bar of PDF forms.
1-2Undo redo/Undo/redo the processing of forms.
1-3Forms panelFromPropertyControlSet the properties of forms.

Part 6:Alt text

The picture above shows the UI components associated with the API of the document editor. The following table shows the details of the connection between UI components and APIs.

1-1Docs edit barCPDFPageEditBarControl、CPDFPageExtractWindow、CPDFPageInsertWindowTool bar of document editor.
1-2Docs editorCPDFPageEditControlShow the thumbnails of PDF pages and interaction for editing PDF pages.

Part 7:

Alt text

The picture above shows the UI components associated with the API of the digital signature. The following table shows the details of the connection between UI components and APIs.

1-1Signature barAddCertificationDialog、FillDigitalSignatureDialogAdd signature field, and verify all the signatures.
1-2Signature status barSignatureStatusBarControlShow the status of all the digital signatures.
1-3Signature listViewCertificateDialogA list to display all the digital signatures in PDFs.