A digital signature is legally binding and can be equivalent to an ink pen signature on paper contracts and other documents.
Unlike electronic signatures, digital signatures have a unique digital ID that identifies the signer's identity. Digital signatures can get information about whether the signature is trustworthy and whether the document has been modified after the signature, thereby ensuring the legal validity of the document.
Benefits of ComPDFKit PDF Digital Signature SDK
Authentication: Digital signatures can accurately identify the creator and the signer of a document.
Integrity: Digital signatures allow users to easily verify whether the document's content has been altered after signing.
Non-Repudiation: When the signature is valid, it can prove the signer's intent to sign, they can't deny that they have signed the document.
Built-in Certificate Support: Full support for PFX and P12 certificates.
Custom Appearance: Customize the appearance of signatures through drawn, image, or typed signatures.
Fast UI Integration: Achieve rapid integration and customization through extensible UI components.
Guides for Digital Signatures
This function allows users to generate a digital signature using a digital certificate with a personal private key, and attach it to a specific document to ensure data integrity and origin verification.
By verifying signature information, users can determine whether specific data or documents have been authorized and remain unaltered.
Deleting a digital signature refers to the action of revoking or invalidating a digital signature. This may occur due to the loss or compromise of the signer's private key or when the signature is deemed no longer valid. Removing a signature is part of digital security management to ensure the integrity and security of data.